[autohidewibox] # Select your awesome version # Possible values: 3, 4 awesomeVersion=4 # A comma-separated list of keys. # Some suggestions: # 133 - Meta-L # 134 - Meta-R # 37 - Ctrl-L # 105 - Ctrl-R # 66 - CapsLock superKeys=133,134 # The show/hide behavior. Possible values: # 'transient': The wibox is only shown while a super key is pressed. # 'toggle': Pressing and releasing a super key (press and release) toggles # the wibox visibility. # Default = transient. mode=transient # The name of one or more (comma separated) # wiboxes which to autohide. wiboxname=mywibox # Delay execution in ms delayShow=600 delayHide=0 # Custom commands to send to awesome # Use this to call custom-defined event functions in your awesome config # (Note: You can leave 'wiboxname' above empty, or remove it completely) customhide=stopgaps() customshow=startgaps() # Used for debug/development purposes. Prints extra bits information. # Possible values: 0, 1 debug=0