#!/usr/bin/python3 import subprocess import re import configparser import os.path as path import sys import threading MODE_TRANSIENT = "transient" MODE_TOGGLE = "toggle" config = configparser.ConfigParser() try: userconf = path.join(path.expanduser("~"), ".config/autohidewibox.conf") if len(sys.argv)>1 and path.isfile(sys.argv[1]): config.read(sys.argv[1]) elif path.isfile(userconf): config.read(userconf) else: config.read("/etc/autohidewibox.conf") except configparser.MissingSectionHeaderError: pass awesomeVersion = config.get( "autohidewibox", "awesomeVersion", fallback=4) superKeys = config.get( "autohidewibox", "superKeys", fallback="133,134").split(",") wiboxes = config.get( "autohidewibox", "wiboxname", fallback="mywibox").split(",") customhide = config.get( "autohidewibox", "customhide", fallback=None) customshow = config.get( "autohidewibox", "customshow", fallback=None) delayShow = config.getfloat( "autohidewibox", "delayShow", fallback=0) delayHide = config.getfloat( "autohidewibox", "delayHide", fallback=0) mode = config.get( "autohidewibox", "mode", fallback=MODE_TRANSIENT) debug = config.getboolean("autohidewibox", "debug", fallback=False) # (remove the following line if your wibox variables have strange characters) wiboxes = [ w for w in wiboxes if re.match("^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$", w) ] #python>=3.4: wiboxes = [ w for w in wiboxes if re.fullmatch("[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*", w) ] delay = {True: delayShow, False: delayHide} delayThread = None wiboxIsCurrentlyVisible = False waitingFor = False nonSuperKeyWasPressed = False cancel = threading.Event() shPath = "" shPotentialPaths = ["/usr/bin/sh", "/bin/sh"] for p in shPotentialPaths: if path.exists(p): shPath = p break if shPath == "": print("Can't find sh in any of: " + ",".join(shPotentialPaths), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) hideCommand3 = "for k,v in pairs({wibox}) do v.visible = {state} end" hideCommand4 = "for s in screen do s.{wibox}.visible = {state} end" try: hideCommand = hideCommand4 if int(awesomeVersion) >= 4 else hideCommand3 except ValueError: hideCommand = hideCommand4 def _debug(*args): if debug: print(*args) def setWiboxState(state=True, immediate=False): global delayThread, waitingFor, cancel, wiboxIsCurrentlyShown wiboxIsCurrentlyShown = state dbgPstate = "show" if state else "hide" if delay[not state] > 0: _debug(dbgPstate, "delay other") if type(delayThread) == threading.Thread and delayThread.is_alive(): # two consecutive opposing events cancel out. second event should not be called _debug(dbgPstate, "delay other, thread alive -> cancel") cancel.set() return if delay[state] > 0 and not immediate: _debug(dbgPstate + " delay same") if not (type(delayThread) == threading.Thread and delayThread.is_alive()): _debug(dbgPstate, "delay same, thread dead -> start wait") waitingFor = state cancel.clear() delayThread = threading.Thread(group=None, target=waitDelay, kwargs={"state": state}) delayThread.daemon = True delayThread.start() # a second event setting the same state is silently discarded return _debug("state:", dbgPstate) customcmd = customshow if state else customhide if customcmd: subprocess.call( shPath + " " + "-c \"echo '" + customcmd + "' | awesome-client\"", shell=True) for wibox in wiboxes: subprocess.call( shPath + " " + "-c \"echo '" + hideCommand.format(wibox=wibox, state="true" if state else "false") + "' | awesome-client\"", shell=True) def waitDelay(state=True): if not cancel.wait(delay[state]/1000): setWiboxState(state=state, immediate=True) try: setWiboxState(False) proc = subprocess.Popen(['xinput', '--test-xi2', '--root', '3'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) field = None keystate = None for line in proc.stdout: l = line.decode("utf-8").strip() eventmatch = re.match("EVENT type (\\d+) \\(.+\\)", l) detailmatch = re.match("detail: (\\d+)", l) if eventmatch: _debug(eventmatch) try: field = "event" keystate = eventmatch.group(1) _debug("found event, waiting for detail...") except IndexError: field = None keystate = None if (field is "event") and detailmatch: _debug(detailmatch) try: if detailmatch.group(1) in superKeys: _debug("is a super key") if keystate == "13": # press nonSuperKeyWasPressed = False if mode == MODE_TRANSIENT: _debug("showing wibox") setWiboxState(True) if keystate == "14": # release if mode == MODE_TRANSIENT: _debug("hiding wibox") setWiboxState(False) # Avoid toggling the wibox when a super key is used in conjunction # with another key. elif mode == MODE_TOGGLE and not nonSuperKeyWasPressed: _debug("toggling wibox") setWiboxState(not wiboxIsCurrentlyShown) nonSuperKeyWasPressed = False else: nonSuperKeyWasPressed = True except IndexError: _debug("Couldn't parse keystate number.") pass finally: field = None keystate = None except KeyboardInterrupt: pass finally: setWiboxState(True, True) # print("Shutting down")