
122 lines
2.7 KiB

pub mod messages;
use sycamore::{builder::prelude::*, prelude::*};
use web_sys::Event;
pub struct ButtonProps<F: FnMut(Event)> {
pub onclick: F,
pub text: String,
pub icon: String,
pub fn Button<'a, G: Html, F: 'a + FnMut(Event)>(cx: Scope<'a>, props: ButtonProps<F>) -> View<G> {
let mut icon_class = String::from("mdi ");
if !props.icon.is_empty() {
view! { cx,
button(on:click=props.onclick) {
span { (props.text) }
pub struct TableProps<'a, G: Html> {
pub headers: Vec<String>,
pub children: Children<'a, G>,
pub fn Table<'a, G: Html>(cx: Scope<'a>, props: TableProps<'a, G>) -> View<G> {
let children =;
view! { cx,
table {
thead {
tr {
(View::new_fragment(props.headers.iter().cloned().map(|header| view! { cx,
th(scope="col") {
tbody {
pub struct BlockProps<'a, G: Html> {
pub title: String,
pub children: Children<'a, G>,
pub fn Block<'a, G: Html>(cx: Scope<'a>, props: BlockProps<'a, G>) -> View<G> {
let children =;
view! { cx,
details {
summary { (props.title) }
p { (children) }
pub struct TestProps<'a> {
pub text: &'a str,
pub fn Test<'a, G: Html>(cx: Scope<'a>, props: TestProps<'a>) -> View<G> {
let text = create_ref(cx, props.text.clone());
// This is okay, but I don't know why
create_child_scope(cx, move |_| {
println!("{}", props.text);
// This is fine
create_child_scope(cx, move |_| {
println!("{}", text);
// Builders always seem to work just fine
let _: View<G> = div().c(p().t(text)).view(cx);
let _: View<G> = div().dyn_c_scoped(|cx| p().t(text).view(cx)).view(cx);
let _: View<G> = div()
.dyn_c_scoped(|cx| p().t(props.text).view(cx))
// error[E0521]: borrowed data escapes outside of function
let _: View<G> = view! { cx,
p { (text) }
// error[E0521]: borrowed data escapes outside of function
let _: View<G> = view! { cx,
p { (props.text) }
p { (props.text) }
view! { cx, }