
12 KiB

Purpose of this project

Hello everyone! Hope all is good. I've spent the past few months scouring pages just to try and get decryption keys for widevine content. There was no clear instructions on the internet and the instructions that are there need pieced togther for a proper result. What I've tried to do is condense these fragments down to a cohesive guide for people to follow. If you have any questions feel free to message me on here, my reddit or discord, Contact informatoin can be found on my profile.


I used all the mentioned tools on windows 10 x64


Python 3.10.2 Make sure to check "add to path" option when installing.

ADB Minimal Install Make sure to choose yes when it asks if you would like to add to path

A (preferably non samsung) Android 7-9 (possibly Android 10) device that is able to be rooted.

Tools used







Android device I used

Truewell T95 S1 Pre-rooted, around $30 USD, multiple user success of dumping keys (myself included), good for those who don't have a spare android.


You can find the installation instructions for magisk here and the frida module here.

Step 1: Preparing CDM

Connect to your android device via ADB, on the T95 this is enabled by default over wifi. Other devices may vary.

To enable ADB / USB Debugging follow these steps

  1. Open your device's Settings and tap About phone or About tablet.
  2. Tap Build number repeatedly until you see a notification that reads "You are now a developer."
  3. Go back to the main System menu, then tap Developer options.
  4. Tap the toggle switch in the top-right corner to enable developer options (if it's not already enabled).
  5. Tap OK to confirm.
  6. Tap the USB debugging toggle switch.
  7. Tap OK to confirm.
  8. The next time you plug your device into a computer, you'll receive a prompt asking if you want to authorize USB debugging for that computer. Tap OK to confirm.

You may now connect to your device

adb connect <device-ip-address> or if using USB adb devices

On your device you should receive a notificatoin to accept the adb connection, checkmark trust this device and then click allow.


Let's go ahead and push frida-server to the Android device, for the T95 S1 I used Frida-Server 15.1.17 for android. Unnzip the xz file and extract Frida-Server file.

Change directory to where you extracted the file and enter the command adb push frida-server-15.1.17-android-arm /sdcard/

Once it has been pushed open up a shell with adb shell

Move the server to the tmp directory mv /sdcard/fridaserver-15.1.17-android-arm /data/local/tmp/

You may get an error about chown permission, this is negligible

Login as super user and create a new environment su -

Give execute privileges to frida-server chmod +x /data/local/tmp/fridaserver-15.1.17-android-arm

Start the server /data/local/tmp/fridaserver-15.1.17-android-arm

When you start the server command prompt will hang, this is normal and means the program is running, do not close out and continue to step 2

Step 2: Extracting the CDM

If you would like to check if frida-server is running connect via adb to your device in new command prompt like in step one, then use adb shell and then su and then ps | grep frida this should show you the process running, if it does not something went wrong

Download and extract Dumper

Open a new command prompt as administrator and change directories to the newly extracted folder and run pip3 install -r requirements.txt and once that's finished, start the program with python

Now play some widevine encrpyed content on your Android device. I suggest using playing over google chrome.

Side note: on the T95 S1 I had to do these specific steps to get it to reliably dump. Play the video on bitmovin, stop dumper, start dumper, wait for it to finish booting, then click on the green "load" button in the top right of bitmovin while the video was still playing, so far this method has worked the best for me

Once you have played the content your keys should be dumped in the dumper folder under /key-dumps/your-device-keys/xxxx/xxxxxxxx/ and should be named client_id.bin and private_key.pem

Make a copy of these for safekeeping wherever you like but DO NOT LOSE THEM

You can now close out of running frida server if you are running it over adb, you may also close dumper once you have verified successful dumping.

Make sure to have file extensions visible on windows, this can be turned on by searching "show file extensions" in the windows search bar.

Now we will rename these files, clent_id.bin to device_client_id_blob. and rename private_key.pem to device_private_key. The periods on the end is intentional as windows likes to keep file extentions, please make sure to have this exact or it will cause errors with downey! Only rename with windows, using a program such as text editor and saving under all files will still corrupt the data!

Step 3: Obtaining decryption keys

Download and extract Downey

Open a new command prompt as administrator and change directories to the newly extracted folder

Build Downey with command go build -o downey.exe -a main.go once this is finished you should see downeye.exe in your Downey folder

Copy the device_client_id_blob file and device_private_key file to the Downey folder.

Open Firefox or Chrome and navigate back to and open web devoloper tools (ctrl+shift+c) and click on the network tab

Play the video on the site, then in the filter urls type in method:POST and under the domain look for the licensing server, in this case it's right click on this value and copy value -> copy post data and paste this somewhere safe for now.

Next we need the MPD file, under the filter url section in the network tab now we are going to filter for MPD one result should show up for 11331.mpd downoad this by double clicking or copying and saving. Rename this file to manifest.mpdand place it in your Downey folder

Now we have everything we need, let's go ahead and run downey with downey.exe --lic-server "" if everything goes successful you should get the decryption keys for the video, so for bitmovin i received

Decryption keys:

And there you have it! decryption keys for all versions of the video and one for the audio.

Optional: How to download, decrypt, and merge Bitmovin video and audio


Download YT-DLP and place in a new folder or a folder of your choice.

Open a new command prompt as administrator and change directories to the folder you've placed yt-dlp.exe

Go back to and open up the web devoloper tools (ctrl+shift+c) and click on the network tab.

Play the video on the site, then in the filter urls type in MPD like in step 3.

Copy the url value from the search result. You can do this by: Right click -> Copy Value -> Copy URL In this case it should be

Now in the command prompt you have opened execute the command yt-dlp.exe --allow-unplayable

This should download two files in your yt-dlp directory, an encrpyted mp4 video file and an encrypted m4a audio file. For ease I have renamed these encrypted.mp4 and encrypted.m4a


Download and extract MP4Decrypt

Open a new command prompt as administrator and change directories to the MP4Decrypt bin folder.

Place your encrpyted.mp4 and encrypted.m4a files in this bin folder as well

Decrpyt the video by using mp4decrypt.exe --key xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx inputfile.mp4 outputfile.mp4 where the key in this case would be one we extracted earlier, inputfile.mp4 being the encrytped.mp4 file we downloaded earlier and outputfile.mp4 can be named whatever you choose, I will be using decrypted.mp4 so for this instance it would be mp4decrypt.exe --key eb676abbcb345e96bbcf616630f1a3da:100b6c20940f779a4589152b57d2dacb encrypted.mp4 decrypted.mp4

Decrpyt the audio by using mp4decrypt.exe --key xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx inputfile.m4a outputfile.m4a where the key in this case would be one we extracted earlier, inputfile.m4a being the encrytped.m4a file we downloaded earlier and outputfile.m4a can be named whatever you choose, I will be using decrypted.m4a so for this instance it would be mp4decrypt.exe --key eb676abbcb345e96bbcf616630f1a3da:100b6c20940f779a4589152b57d2dacb encrypted.m4a decrypted.m4a

You should now have two playable files, the video decrypted.mp4 and the audio decrypted.m4a now it's time for the final step .


Download and extract ffMPEG

Open a new command prompt as administrator and change directories to the ffmpeg bin folder.

Place your decrpyted.mp4 and derypted.m4a files in this bin folder as well

In command prompt issue the command to merge the two streams ffmpeg.exe -i decrypted.mp4 -i decrypted.m4a -vcodec copy -acodec copy bitmovin.mp4

Congrats, you now have a playable widevine audio/video file!

Site Specific instructions.

Hopefully more to come!





Want to purchase an L3 CDM?

Contact me on my telegram or discord (info found on my gitlab profile)

Selling for $35 ($30 for the device I'll have to purchase above, and $5 for labor)